The LE Velo. Club is for those who are interested in all aspects of the lightweight twin-cylinder motorcycles manufactured by Veloce of Birmingham between 1948 and 1971 namely the LE and its subsequent developments, the Valiant, Vogue and Viceroy Scooter. Ownership of such machines is NOT a precondition of membership.
The Club, formed in 1950 for the mutual appreciation of these unique machines, has enjoyed continued success throughout the changing values of six decades. Membership currently stands at over 1300 world-wide, an indication of the continued enthusiasm for the marque.
Examples of the benefits gained by membership are:
1. The enjoyment of a magazine On the Level mailed free every six weeks.
2. An ever-expanding spares scheme which, although started with bulk purchase from dealers, now encompasses a whole range of specially manufactured parts to our own specification.
3. A service tool loan scheme to enable members to undertake comprehensive repair and restoration work on their machines.
4. The availability of technical and historical advice services.
5. The existence of a number of regional branches, each with their own calendar and social events.
6. The Club is a member of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs, which campaigns on behalf of historic vehicle owners. regular updates and reports appear in the Club magazine.
Overseas membership costs £25 per annum. (There is an additional joining fee of £6.00), making a total of £31.00
If you require information about membership email:
Bullers End, 43 Bradford Lane, Walsall WS1 3LU, United Kingdom